Friday, November 10, 2006

Salem Voice Ministries

The Salem Voice Ministries give all the glory and honour to God - the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. It is an Inter-denominational, evangelistic and charitable mission, registered as a society in India. The Bible is the final authority of our faith and life. It is having a special concentration for the evangelisation of the Muslims.

The Salem Voice Ministries spreading the Gospel of Jesus Christ. It is not for converting anybody to a particular religion, but changing human hearts towards God's love. It is to share the redeeming love of Christ in India and the third world and winning their souls unto the power of salvation through Gospel campaigns, healing ministries, church planting, charities, child care, and relief services. Also it helps the persecuted christians on the front lines.

The Lamb of God Messiah Yeshua is our eternal Bridegroom. And He is the head and His believers are the body. His name is above all names. He gave His life as a ransom for many. In Him we have redemption through His Blood, the forgiveness of sins. By His death we got eternal life. By His resurrection we learned that we will be rising up. And with a great hope, we are expecting His second coming on clouds, so that, we of those who have washed the robes and made it white in the blood of the Lamb will go with Him as His Bride with a heavenly body. We invite you all to join with us for that great feast which will surely be in heaven very very soon.
Home page of the Salem Voice Ministries: