Paul Ciniraj Resigned from the Salem Voice Ministries.

Kottayam (India), SVM News, August 05, 2008: We are sad to announce that Rev. Paul Ciniraj, the esteemed founder and the Director of the Salem Voice Ministries resigned from the Directorship of the SVM.
Rev. Paul Ciniraj was under treatment for "leukemia" since last January. Recently it was found that the Lord has healed him from leukemia, but he was affected by liver cirrhosis and undergoing its treatment. Doctors say cancer medication and treatments are very hard on the body and they may cure the cancer, but can create other medical issues like liver cirrhosis and other major sickness.
Paul Ciniraj Mohamed resigned from the Salem Voice Ministries at the General Body which was held during the month of April. But the General Body compelled him to withdraw the resignation and unanimously re-elected him as its Director. So he was continuing the position.
Recently he found uncomfortable in the position of directorship because of unhealthy situation, he called for a special Governing Board meeting and declared his resignation again. Then he handed over all the records to Rev. Shaji Ipe, the secretary of the SVM.
Pastor Paul Ciniraj said in the meeting, "Lord Jesus has saved me from sin and death. And Lord has chosen me for His ministry. I believe I have faithfully and truthfully done it according the Word of God by the guidance of the Holy Spirit. Whenever our Lord thinks my service is enough in this world, He has to call me back at any time to be with Him. I am always ready for it".
"I never earned or gain anything worldly for my wife and children from the ministry. I hand over the ministry and all of its assests, programmes and activities to the Governing Board in which my wife or children are not the members", Paul Ciniraj continued.
"Our Lord weighs our minds and hearts. He knows all of us very well. Do not misuse His physical and economical gifts for worldly pleasures like the sons of the Prophet Samuel. Do not misuse His spiritual gifts like Ba'laam. Yet we may be reviled, persecuted and experienced all manner of evil against us falsely. Certainly It strengthen our spirituality when it comes from gentiles and outcasters. But it is very difficult to tolerate if it comes from our dear brotheren of whom we love and trust in the name of Jesus. They may be called as missionaries, pastors and evangelists. Such experiences from them will make us desperate, depress and discourage. It affect both our body and spirit".
"This so called Christians may have power of money, power of the support of foreign agencies and power of human strength which they might have bought from money or throwing them some favours and small positions; but they may not belong to God. Those are false currencies or coins. They not know what they do. The Word of God teaches that they are the enemies of the Cross of Christ. Whose end is destruction, whose God is their belly, and whose glory is in their shame, who mind earthly things" (Phil 3:18-19).
"But we must careful that there are true and valuable currencies. It is indeed necessary for any transactions. That's why false currencies are spreading widely. But realise the false currencies have no value and it is to be destructed. Also handling the false currencies is a big crime. So distinguish the good and evil spirits. Our Lord allows the tares with the wheat together until the harvest. So recognise them by their fruits. Don't be cheated. Our Lord is the Burning Fire too", Pastor Paul Ciniraj continued.
"The harvest is plentiful; but the labourers are few. So our Lord asked to pray to the owner of the harvest for sending suitable labourers. In certain places, there were such a vast and beautiful harvest to reap. But unsuitable labourers got down the field and reaped some of it for their own use (not for the Lord) and destructed the rest of the harvest and soil became hard by their feet and made the fields desert. Even no more cultivation is possible. Then how can we reap? India is a best example for it.
60% of the land of the Kingdom of Israel is desert. It is not too far those desert lands can be formed as gardens. It can be possible by culturing the sea-water and make it flow to the desert lands.
The Bride Church of our Lord is called as the Israel of the New Covenent. Certainly still there are plenty of harvest to reap, but not full of harvest. Harvest must be reaped. But at the same time 60% of the New Covenant Israel also keep going on desert land. We have to sow the seed. Before sowing the seed, the land must be plouged and watered. Water must be coming from the sea as cultured, useful drinking water.
Sea water is salty and it is the synonym of sin. The religions of Muslims, Hindus, Budhists, Communists, Nominal Christians etc.around us are great oceans. By our deep faith and prayer we can culture the salty oceanic water which is sins of this world by the precious blood of Jesus and make it flow to the desert minded hearts and plough it by our loving deeds and dedicated services by the Holy Spirit and sow the seed of the Word of God. The Kingdom of God is not barren. There is no desert. There is no sea. It is the tabernacle of God with HIS Bride and He will be dwelling among us. For that we have to serve the Lord. He is not a Godly labourer, if a person comes for harvest without thinking of how such a desert land makes plenty of harvest. So sow with tears and reap with cheers," Rev. Paul Ciniraj added in the meeting.
Paul Ciniraj was a Muslim by birth, accepted Lord Jesus as his personal saviour and converted into Christianity in his early twenties while he was studying in the university. Since last 33 years he was serving the Lord and won thousands upon thousands of souls unto the fold of Jesus Christ, especially from Muslim community. He is a prominent Gospel preacher in India. Many times he was beaten, attacked, burnt and poisoned. Still he is being threatened.
Mercy is the wife of Paul Ciniraj, a member from the Roman Catholic Church who accepted Lord Jesus as personal saviour and involving ministries with her husband. They have two sons and a daughter. Elder son Besly is a biginner student of the Aircraft Maintenance Engineering. Daughter Hepzy is a Bible College student as well as studying first year Degree Course. Younger son Lesly studying VIII grade in a Hih School.
Kindly pray for this family. Also pray for his good health and total healing. They have no income to maintain their family and educate their children. Due to the financial crisis, his family suffered a lot for his recent treatments too. SVM Governing Board requested him to be the Patron of the society. He did not give any reply. But we expect he will encourage us as a patron for the growth of its activities and evangelisation.
Once again we thank Paul Ciniraj and family and offer our prayers on behalf of the prayer partners and well wishers of the Salem Voice Ministries. We request his prayers and guidance again and again.
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Rev. Paul Ciniraj was under treatment for "leukemia" since last January. Recently it was found that the Lord has healed him from leukemia, but he was affected by liver cirrhosis and undergoing its treatment. Doctors say cancer medication and treatments are very hard on the body and they may cure the cancer, but can create other medical issues like liver cirrhosis and other major sickness.
Paul Ciniraj Mohamed resigned from the Salem Voice Ministries at the General Body which was held during the month of April. But the General Body compelled him to withdraw the resignation and unanimously re-elected him as its Director. So he was continuing the position.
Recently he found uncomfortable in the position of directorship because of unhealthy situation, he called for a special Governing Board meeting and declared his resignation again. Then he handed over all the records to Rev. Shaji Ipe, the secretary of the SVM.
Pastor Paul Ciniraj said in the meeting, "Lord Jesus has saved me from sin and death. And Lord has chosen me for His ministry. I believe I have faithfully and truthfully done it according the Word of God by the guidance of the Holy Spirit. Whenever our Lord thinks my service is enough in this world, He has to call me back at any time to be with Him. I am always ready for it".
"I never earned or gain anything worldly for my wife and children from the ministry. I hand over the ministry and all of its assests, programmes and activities to the Governing Board in which my wife or children are not the members", Paul Ciniraj continued.
"Our Lord weighs our minds and hearts. He knows all of us very well. Do not misuse His physical and economical gifts for worldly pleasures like the sons of the Prophet Samuel. Do not misuse His spiritual gifts like Ba'laam. Yet we may be reviled, persecuted and experienced all manner of evil against us falsely. Certainly It strengthen our spirituality when it comes from gentiles and outcasters. But it is very difficult to tolerate if it comes from our dear brotheren of whom we love and trust in the name of Jesus. They may be called as missionaries, pastors and evangelists. Such experiences from them will make us desperate, depress and discourage. It affect both our body and spirit".
"This so called Christians may have power of money, power of the support of foreign agencies and power of human strength which they might have bought from money or throwing them some favours and small positions; but they may not belong to God. Those are false currencies or coins. They not know what they do. The Word of God teaches that they are the enemies of the Cross of Christ. Whose end is destruction, whose God is their belly, and whose glory is in their shame, who mind earthly things" (Phil 3:18-19).
"But we must careful that there are true and valuable currencies. It is indeed necessary for any transactions. That's why false currencies are spreading widely. But realise the false currencies have no value and it is to be destructed. Also handling the false currencies is a big crime. So distinguish the good and evil spirits. Our Lord allows the tares with the wheat together until the harvest. So recognise them by their fruits. Don't be cheated. Our Lord is the Burning Fire too", Pastor Paul Ciniraj continued.
"The harvest is plentiful; but the labourers are few. So our Lord asked to pray to the owner of the harvest for sending suitable labourers. In certain places, there were such a vast and beautiful harvest to reap. But unsuitable labourers got down the field and reaped some of it for their own use (not for the Lord) and destructed the rest of the harvest and soil became hard by their feet and made the fields desert. Even no more cultivation is possible. Then how can we reap? India is a best example for it.
60% of the land of the Kingdom of Israel is desert. It is not too far those desert lands can be formed as gardens. It can be possible by culturing the sea-water and make it flow to the desert lands.
The Bride Church of our Lord is called as the Israel of the New Covenent. Certainly still there are plenty of harvest to reap, but not full of harvest. Harvest must be reaped. But at the same time 60% of the New Covenant Israel also keep going on desert land. We have to sow the seed. Before sowing the seed, the land must be plouged and watered. Water must be coming from the sea as cultured, useful drinking water.
Sea water is salty and it is the synonym of sin. The religions of Muslims, Hindus, Budhists, Communists, Nominal Christians etc.around us are great oceans. By our deep faith and prayer we can culture the salty oceanic water which is sins of this world by the precious blood of Jesus and make it flow to the desert minded hearts and plough it by our loving deeds and dedicated services by the Holy Spirit and sow the seed of the Word of God. The Kingdom of God is not barren. There is no desert. There is no sea. It is the tabernacle of God with HIS Bride and He will be dwelling among us. For that we have to serve the Lord. He is not a Godly labourer, if a person comes for harvest without thinking of how such a desert land makes plenty of harvest. So sow with tears and reap with cheers," Rev. Paul Ciniraj added in the meeting.
Paul Ciniraj was a Muslim by birth, accepted Lord Jesus as his personal saviour and converted into Christianity in his early twenties while he was studying in the university. Since last 33 years he was serving the Lord and won thousands upon thousands of souls unto the fold of Jesus Christ, especially from Muslim community. He is a prominent Gospel preacher in India. Many times he was beaten, attacked, burnt and poisoned. Still he is being threatened.
Mercy is the wife of Paul Ciniraj, a member from the Roman Catholic Church who accepted Lord Jesus as personal saviour and involving ministries with her husband. They have two sons and a daughter. Elder son Besly is a biginner student of the Aircraft Maintenance Engineering. Daughter Hepzy is a Bible College student as well as studying first year Degree Course. Younger son Lesly studying VIII grade in a Hih School.
Kindly pray for this family. Also pray for his good health and total healing. They have no income to maintain their family and educate their children. Due to the financial crisis, his family suffered a lot for his recent treatments too. SVM Governing Board requested him to be the Patron of the society. He did not give any reply. But we expect he will encourage us as a patron for the growth of its activities and evangelisation.
Once again we thank Paul Ciniraj and family and offer our prayers on behalf of the prayer partners and well wishers of the Salem Voice Ministries. We request his prayers and guidance again and again.
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